If you’ve been involved in a car accident, it is important to contact an attorney who can assist you at the time of the accident and throughout the legal proceedings. The experienced attorney at Larson Griffee & Pickett PLLC in Yakima, Washington, knows how stressful these events can be and the team is there to help you.

Accidents can happen to anyone at anytime. Knowing what to do and—more importantly—what not to do in the moments after these accidents is imperative.

Here are some frequently asked questions for those involved in accidents around Yakima:

I was just involved in an accident, what’s my first step?

Contact a Yakima, Washington car accident lawyer. Insurance companies should be notified, but getting in touch with a car accident attorney before anything else should be step one. Accidents and resulting injuries can happen quickly, so immediately contacting an attorney for assistance can lead to the compensation and justice you deserve.

The at-fault driver’s insurance company wants to talk to me, should I give them information?

Insurance companies will try to get you to release your medical records and give your statement of the accident. This should not be done. Providing the other driver’s insurance company with this information can allow them to find reasons to limit their liability and limit your compensation. Make sure to speak with your attorney before you talk to anyone else about the accident.

Should I accept my insurance’s settlement?

Insurance companies will almost always try to settle with a much smaller claim than what you potentially deserve. An attorney can help you reach a much higher settlement and be justly compensated. Our Yakima, WA car crash lawyer will provide a team who will conduct a thorough investigation and determine how much your case could be worth.

Wouldn’t the insurance settlement be worth it since attorneys can be expensive?

Our law firm operates on a contingency fee basis. You will not have to pay anything until you reach a trial verdict or a settlement, which is likely to be much higher than what insurance companies will offer.

Can I post about my car accident on social media?

You should not discuss the accident with anyone other than your attorney, and that includes on your social media accounts. Insurance companies can monitor your accounts just to see if you do post anything that could come back to hurt you in court.

Insurance companies will try to pay the least amount possible for an accident claim. Our team will try and get the maximum amount of compensation you are legally allowed.

If you’re involved in an accident in Yakima, Washington, remember to stay calm, document everything, contact an attorney.

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