May 17, 2023 – Bill Pickett presented to the Washington State Supreme Court today as part of his duties serving on the Board of Trustees for the Legal Foundation of Washington.

In the realm of legal advocacy and promoting the principles of justice, few organizations have as significant an impact as the Legal Foundation of Washington (LFW).  The nonprofit organization was created at the direction of the Washington Supreme Court to distribute IOLTA funds to legal aid organizations across the state. LFW has more than 35 years of experience raising, managing, and distributing funds to achieve equal civil justice for low-income people.  LFW seeks to ensure access to civil legal aid for all people in Washington and to improve equity in the civil justice system.

Since 1984, LFW has distributed more than $200 million to Washington’s legal aid community.  Bill Pickett, who is serving on the LFW’s Board of Trustees, had the honor of presenting the organization’s annual report to the esteemed Washington State Supreme Court.

Bill Pickett’s service on the Board of Trustees of the Legal Foundation of Washington is a testament to LGP’s commitment to public service and their recognition of the importance of a just legal system.  Dedicating time and expertise to organizations like the LFW, our firm demonstrates our desire to contribute to society beyond the firm’s day-to-day operations.

Through our involvement, we become catalysts for positive change, both within the legal community and society as a whole.

One exceptional honor bestowed upon those serving on the Board of Trustees of the Legal Foundation of Washington is the privilege of presenting the organization’s annual report to the Washington State Supreme Court, the highest judicial authority in the state.  It provides an occasion for the Board of Trustees to convey the LFW’s achievements, outline its objectives, and emphasize the importance of the organization’s mission. This direct engagement with the judiciary reinforces the relationship between the legal profession and the judiciary, fostering a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

As we applaud the dedication of these individuals, we recognize the vital role played by organizations like the LFW.

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